Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The American Of American Identity Essay - 1520 Words

As America approached the 20th century, it had achieved great prestige in the world for having a prosperous economy built on a free market system. The facets of an American identity mostly revolved around corporate power and stability. The corporations grew at a national scale effortlessly, and within years, international; the United States was following similar footsteps of the British East India Company to emulate it’s exploits in the western hemisphere. Contracted railroads, lands, and farms were the crux of American imperialism in the continents. The strengthening grip of the corporations on the government gave America a series of questions that it dealt with in the early 1900s. The two front-runners to answer the puzzling questions were the 26th president, Theodore Roosevelt, and the 28th president Woodrow Wilson. They both wanted the betterment of America, both domestically and at the world stage. However, unlike Woodrow Wilson, the assertive nature of Theodore Roosevelt made him an exemplar of American ideals and democracy for American and rest of the world. Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt were vastly different by nature, one a macho, military-man, explorer, and the other, an academic by profession. Given their polarizing life experiences, they were bound to have conflicting worldviews. In the context of 1900s, they were faced with challenges that demanded answers in order to achieve the same end-goal. With a growing global influence, the United States wasShow MoreRelatedAmerican Identity And American Identity1350 Words   |  6 Pagesand faced ethnic issues, our true identity shines through with our fight for freedom, the ability to create our own-and americas- path through american ingenuity even in times of great distress. Through the workings of Jackson Pollock, showing how not to conform, and through the Jazz evolution; the american identity has always shown its fight for freedom and independence the country contains. Ever since the Puritans landed on this continent, the american identity was established, illustrating theRead MoreIdentity Of American Identity1101 Words   |  5 Pagesliberty, and the pursuit of happiness established over two centuries ago by the nation’s forebearers. Being American is about anticipating change and being provided with the environment to dream. Americans have dreamed of a more equal union, where Women obtain the right to vote and African Americans are social equals. The country’s images of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller inspire the American dream, where individuals are not satisfied with their socioeconomic standing and have the opportunityRead MoreAmerican Identity822 Words   |  4 PagesIs the American Identity still alive? Has it died? The issue concerning the American identity is has it died. Many claim that new cultures, new races, and new traditions have degraded the American identity. Although some people that the American identity h as been lost because of new cultures and traditions, the American identity is still alive because those factors have not changed any original American traditions or the way they are celebrated. Many people claim that the has been lost becauseRead MoreAmerican Identity1566 Words   |  7 PagesMy American Identity The five key values that were studied and learned about in class were civic engagement, freedom, equality, patriotism and democracy. I do not believe that one of these values is more American than the other though three of these mean more to me personally than others. Patriotism, freedom, and equality. Together they make the United States of America unique from any other country. Yes, some countries have freedom, but no other country in the world is like ours because we holdRead MoreThe American Identity2684 Words   |  11 Pagescommonly characterized as the greatest country in the world, the glorious â€Å"land of the free and the home of the brave†, â€Å"indivisible, with liberty and justice for all†. This idealization of the American identity conveniently focuses on what people want to hear and blurs out most everything else. In reality, Americans do not live up to the dreamscape created by our views, and we never really have. America is no longer characterized b y its freedom and democracy, nearly every first world country can affordRead MoreAfrican Americans And Identity Of African American1169 Words   |  5 PagesIn the year of 1619, the largest oppressive legal structure in American History came about, the institution of slavery. Although slavery was abolished in the year of 1865, African Americans are still enslaved by intuitional racism. There are systems in place to keep minorities at a disadvantage. This system of oppression is carried by a number of factors such as; the segregation of black people in urban areas referred to as ghettos, mass incarceration rate for people of color, large educational gapsRead MoreThe Identity Of The American Revolution1527 Words   |  7 PagesThe identity of the American colonists prior to the American Revolution was still work in progress because there were certain events that helped shape their identity and led to the American Revolution. The American colonies were trying to break away from the B ritish control because they wanted to become independent and be their own nation. Once the British began to realize the intentions of the colonists, they began to create laws, acts, and other forms things to keep the colonists under their controlRead MoreAsian American Identities Of Asian Americans Essay1380 Words   |  6 Pagesthat Asian Americans have been in Hollywood for decades, there are very few positive representations of them in film. More often than not, they’ve been depicted as stereotypical caricatures, and more specifically, as foreigners who can’t speak grammatically correct English. Moreover, the negative representations of Asian Americans in film has perpetuated certain misconceptions about their culture. Chan is Missing (1982) calls for more genuine representations of Asian American identities through itsRead MoreImportance Of American Identity1547 Words   |  7 PagesBased on course content, research, and interviews the American Identity can best be described using the words freedom, pride, and importance. When America formed, people immigrated to this country in search of freedom. America is built on the basic principle of freedom. One of the main reasons people immigrate to America from their home country is because of all the freedoms we have. America is thought of as the land of free. There is freedom of education, religion, expression, speech, and beliefRead MoreEssay on American Identity956 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican Identity Works Cited Not Included American identity has been created by many events throughout the course of history. This country was founded on the clashing and mixing of many different cultures and lifestyles. One of the most important periods of time for this country was during the period of conflict between Americans and Native Americans over land rights. Americans had an idea of manifest destiny and that this land was theirs for the taking. The Americans were going to walk through

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

An International Student At Swinburne University - 1615 Words

Reflective Essay Thio Eric Adiputra Tresno - 1716506 Part 1 As an international student at Swinburne University, I have felt how what is it like to be a minority. This situation teaches me how much important it is to hold up fairness within an organization. Over the course, I found that HRM theories have helped me to develop my ethical conscience. I gained significant knowledge of practical theory of ethic during the lecture. In the tutorial, we did case studies analysis that give me insight about that is the today’s HRM challenges within the workplace. In the tutorial, we discuss the set reading together in the class and give me understanding many the HRM issues in the past and how to solve it. Most of the issues arise from the†¦show more content†¦In addition, this writing will also analyse, evaluate and evaluate the HRM issues and provide recommendation for HRM to increase organization effectiveness. Diversity acknowledge that people are differ in many ways, such as age, gender, social status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity and culture (Kossek, Lobel Brown, 2005). Nowadays, diversity has increasingly become the most valuable aspect of HRM areas. Develop countries such as Australia and New Zealand hold multicultural workforce as one of the most important dimension of diversity, where there are a large number of international migrants with different cultural backgrounds (Shen, Chanda, D’Netto Monga, 2009). Studies from McLeod, Lobel and Cox (1996) and Wilson Iles (1999) point out that a diverse workforce has a better-quality solution to brainstorming task, display more cooperative behaviour, and can raise organizational efficiency, effectiveness and profitability. Hence, utilization of diversity allows organization to increase the organization cooperative behaviour and competitive advantage (Cassell 1996). However, in groups where people from differen t cultural and ethnic background are working together, differences may occur in management styles, attitude towards hierarchy, approaches to group work, and ways of expressing

Monday, December 9, 2019

Reform and Development of Health Services

Questions: 1. Do you think the control knobs framework can be used to describe the main elements of the reform? 2. What do you think were the major drivers of the Affordable Care Act in the United States? 3. Who supported it? Who opposed it? Why? Answer: 1. The health system framework comprises the interactions which are associated with the final goals which are to be achieved by the system. Thus, the framework has control knob which enable the policy makers to achieve these goals. These knobs are also used in Obama care, where it focuses on quality improvement, lowers the cost of health care by making plans of financing and health service payment (2). Within the framework, it also focuses on efficiency. responsiveness, access and equity of the system. 2. An increase in the health care cost, the growing profit of the health care corporations, growing demand of uninsured people and deficit in national debt are the major drivers of the Affordable Care Act in the United States (1). Thus, this Act was made so that the American get could get better treatment. The health insurance has also become more affordable to the lower and Middle Americans through this Act. The implementation of this Act is just a stepping stone toward the health reform. 3. By 2010, 55% people disapproved and 41% people approved this act. Among the Republicans, 88% disapprove it, and only 10% approved it. The reason cited by them was that there is too much involvement of government in the health care. Among Democrats, 73% approved while 24% disapproved it. The reason given by them was it has all law requirements which a system needs (1). Post graduates (58%) are in favor of this act while the college graduates (48%) are not. The reason for this educational difference is that it gives coverage to the uninsured people. I am writing this comment regarding my classmate's post for the stated part "Therefore, the reform was believed to cover all the deficit and provides better and equal healthcare for all Americans." In my opinion, I don't think this is correct because the health care facts show that this Affordable Care Act was an effective program but it was not enough to reform the three trillion dollar US healthcare industry and it according to the National Health Expenditure Projections, the American people would spend around five trillion by 2022. Thus, this Act could curb down the expenses for reform but could not completely finish it. References: Health Care Facts: Why We Need Health Care Reform [Internet]. Obamacare Facts. 2016 [cited 3 August 2016]. Available from: User S. Control Knobs [Internet]. 2016 [cited 3 August 2016]. Available from:

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Article, Love the Right Chemistry Essay Example

The Article, Love: the Right Chemistry Paper The Right Chemistry, Outfoxes mainly talks about love related to chemistry. The fact that human species, considered as sexual organs, possess own characteristics contributes to each Individual with a unique attraction. The term love has created the new way of making It ? a sexual relationship. Also. The concept of love nowadays seemingly depends on an individuals appearance. According to the author, romance is an essential element that leads men and women to long-term relationship: however, the idea that true love remains forever seems to fade out gradually. To exemplify, the author quotes Fisher as saying that each would find a new partner in four years, which reflects in todays divorce rate. In short, romantic love is not everlasting. Furthermore, PEA, stands for phenylalanine, is increased in the early of passionate romantic love; the body builds up rapidly as long as we are needed. Essentially, it is a natural amphetamine that stimulates and increases both physical and emotional energy. The attraction causes people to produce more PEA, which results in those dizzying feelings associated with romantic love. However, the amount that our body produces PEA is exclusive in two or three years. Moreover, each person has a unique subliminal guide to the ideal partner so-called a love map, so a man and woman can not fall in love with two people at the same time. Through the article, I assume the contrast between passionate and compassionate love. We will write a custom essay sample on The Article, Love: the Right Chemistry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Article, Love: the Right Chemistry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Article, Love: the Right Chemistry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The author quotes Mark and Walsh as saying that early love is based on when you love the way the other person makes you feel, while mature love depends on when you love the way the other person is. I obviously do not see what Is deferent, and It gives me such an aftereffect to think whether I am still immature. Also, one word that comes up most often about love Is chemistry, which conjures up a powerful feeling and images for anyone seeking a love relationship. Therefore, I also claim that the chemical Increases a desire to be physically close and Intimately connected. In act, physical attraction generally begins during the first connection, but It does not pass as one person moves Into a deeper connection. The Idea that men look for maximal fertility a sexual relationship, whereas women seek for security, resources, status, and willingness to father children Is definitely reasonable: men easily fall In love quite rapidly. Nowadays, even In Korea most women put more emphasis on the ability that reflects how much he can supply resources rather than appearance. The question I have while reading the article is whether it is right to say a man ND woman fall in love with one person rather than two or more. Because we sometimes approach a special person, considered as an Inconstant lover, loves more than one person at the same time, it is hardly to say the idea of Walsh. Also, I expected that the author would give us her own experience on love compared to perspectives of experts; however, the author Just analyzes love based on the scientific point of view, and she does not conclude chemicals can explain why people are initially attracted each other.